
Thinking about all the social media platforms out there can feel overwhelming. There are dozens of options to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, and for small business owners, navigating and using them can be a full-time job. But it’s worth every bit of effort you put into it. Social media platforms […]

I Love It, I Love It Not – Our Social Media Relationship Read More »

When it comes to your first website and/or a website overhaul – most small business owners face choices that are “to infinity and beyond!” Wow!! Where does one start? Typically the first decision is WHO to hire?  Website Designer or Website Developer or Graphic Designer? (Not sure the difference – check out this article about

5 Skills Your Web Designer Needs Read More »

Content Marketing

Not so long ago about the only thing we had to worry about distinguishing  was a feature or a benefit for a service or a product. I remember grueling sales trainings where all we did was role play features and benefits – Oh M Gee!  Now, we have to not only worry about features and

What is Content? Read More »

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