Profitable Website Blueprint

Profitable Website Blueprint

Welcome.  This course is designed for every business owner that has a website, is thinking of having a website, knows they should have a website, or has one that is so outdated they are embarrassed to share it. If one of these is you – you are in the right place! The course is designed to walk you through the why’s and strategy behind the websites – no matter what the platform is – WordPress, Squarespace, Wix or any other platform. Feel free to join my private Facebook group – Make Your Marketing Simple if you have any questions or would like to send a DM. Enjoy the course, watch the videos and complete the worksheets. You business will thank you.
Module 1 Welcome and What’s to Follow
Unit 1 Why You Need a Website in Today’s Social Media World  
Module 2 The Who
Unit 1 The Profit Differentiator  
Module 3 Brand Consistency
Unit 1 Branding for Profit  
Module 4 Clear Messaging
Unit 1 Your Copy and Content Framework  
Module 5 SEO for Small Business Owners
Unit 1 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  
Module 6 Pulling It All Together
Unit 1 Putting it all together  
Unit 2 Wrapping Up  
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